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About us















Our international people come from diverse backgrounds with long-time experience on marketing & communication with focus LABORATORY. Best contacts to the laboratory media in France, Spain and Germany - we speak English, German, French and Spanish and offer our clients regional understanding and global reach.

Uniting the best - special international teamwork at your service:

Alain Schiff-François, Dipl.-Ing. Chemistry 

Ÿ   Position: Managing director ASF labmarketing

Ÿ   Career: Master Dipl.-Ing. Chemistry, Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, 8-year editor german leading magazine "LaborPraxis", Vogel-Verlag Würzburg, more than 10 year marketing & sales director France, Spain and Maghreb, IKA Labortechnik, Staufen

Ÿ   Languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian and German


Christine Bouillard

Ÿ   Position: Editor-in-chief, "La Gazette du Laboratoire", France and Maghreb

Ÿ   Languages: French, German, English


Alejandro Vallojo

Ÿ   Position: Advertising Manager, "Tecnicas de LABORATORIO", Spain

Ÿ   Language: Spanish, English


Miguel Roig, Dipl.-Chem.

Ÿ   Position: Editor-in-chief, "Tecnicas de LABORATORIO", Spain

Ÿ   Languages: Spanish, English